Race Report – High Speed King Boxstock GT Winner!

Race Report - High Speed King Boxstock GT Winner!

Every so often our local Mini 4WD track, Dukwho Workshop, holds a High Speed Week event – basically, they set the track up with lots of straights and standard corners for a maximum speed event. This allows racers to build some incredibly fast cars to post times to see who can be the ultimate speed king.

During this week-long event, Dukwho also holds a Boxstock race with the rules as follows: any out-of-the-box, closed-wheel realistic-bodied kit, 6 box-stock-available rollers maximum and any Tuned-class motor – so Atomic-Tuned, Torque-Tuned or Rev-Tuned motors.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – build something light, add extra rollers (if needed) and throw in an Atomic-Tuned at max voltage. However, the trick here is the fact that it’s still a Boxstock car and most won’t handle big voltage and a fast motor – as we saw early on in practice.

Well, long story short, I was able to take my already very fast TS050 Toyota Gazoo car, drop a Rev-Tuned motor in with a specific voltage and win all the races to the final, clinching the title. However, because of the race format, there were two ladder-style races with each winner getting a prize – BUT, the two winners of each ladder then raced for the final High Speed King title – and the pink lady got it!

The trick was finding the right voltage the car would run consistently throughout the entire race. It started off a tad slow (slower than most of the other cars), but built up speed and just took off!

So, here it is, the winning car and the High Speed King trophy! Yes, the bright pink is a bit hard on the eyes but VERY easy to see on the track as well as discern which car was actually mine (there were quite a few TS050s in this class).

Thanks to Danny over at Dukwho for a fun event – as usual. If you’re ever interested in coming to check it out, hit me up. I’ve got a stable of cars sitting here ready to race! Just be prepared – it’s addicting!